Esk Valley Trust AGM 2021

Karen Inkster will talk on ‘Rights and responsibilities in maintaining access to the countryside’.

This AGM will be held via Zoom.  You will need to register for the AGM via this link if you have not already registered for the EVT Zoom talk on 28 May below.  Due to a last minute cancellation from our speaker on 22nd April John Oldham brought forward his talk on the Trust, so at the AGM our talk will be from Karen Inkster.

Karen Inkster will talk on ‘Rights and responsibilities in maintaining access to the countryside’. Karen is a Field Officer with Scotways, The Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society. She has a wealth of experience in developing pathways and maintaining rights of access. She also has a passion for horses and recently won the International Equine Travel award for her book ‘The Deaf, the Daft and the Dipsy’ which records her adventures as she took her wayward horse (not forgetting her dog) on a journey through the Outer Hebrides.

Please click on the below documents for more AGM information:

AGM 2021 Agenda
AGM 2020 Draft Minutes
EVT Accounts 2020
SCIO Constitution Amendment

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