Angus Miller: ‘Rivers past and present: the geological story of the River Esk’ See the video of the talk presented in March 2024

This talk covers the ancient origins of the Esk rivers, the impact of the ice ages and what may happen next.

Angus Miller discusses ‘Rivers past and present: the geological story of the River Esk

Angus is a geologist based in Edinburgh and a teaching fellow at the Centre for Open Learning at the University of Edinburgh. He is heavily involved in the Edinburgh Geological Society and the Scottish Geology Trust and has led key initiatives to promote the geology of Scotland, including Scotland’s Geodiversity Charter and the first Scottish Geology Festival. He runs Geowalks, exploring Scotland’s amazing geology and how it has shaped our landscape and human history.

In this talk Angus explores the ‘deep time’ record of flowing water in the area of the Esk valleys, which is responsible for creating many of the rocks of Midlothian including the coal fields. He also considers the course of the current river, and how this has evolved during the current Ice Age, with some thoughts about what might happen next!

To watch the video of this talk click here

If you want to learn more about the geology of the Esk river valleys:

Lothian and Borders GeoConservation leaflets (click here) give information on The Esk Valley, Pentland Rocks, Dalkeith’s Building Stones, The Geology of Dalkeith Park and the two geology walks at Vogrie Country Park.

The British Geological Survey site gives access to a wide range of geological information and data (click here)

If yyo want to join Angus on one of his Geowalks, click here.


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